What is SEO? We'll try not blind you with science in answering this question.
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a method of improving the overall ranking of a website so that it can be found ahead of its competition when people search for it using search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
The overall goal of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to improve the reputation of your website on the internet.
If anyone promises you page one ranking on Google just moon walk out of the room because they're either gaming the system (something Google will punish you for) or they're not telling the truth.
SEO is usually done by carefully crafting your content, page titles, and page URLs (official page names) to ensure your site is particularly attractive to the search-bots used by organizations like Google.
In addition it this, acquiring links from high authority websites, like universities and well recognized brands tells search engines that your website is important to them. All of this work is referred to as optimization.
Search Engine Optimization is usually done through the work of search engine optimizers, which are known as SEOs. Search engine optimizers specialize in dealing with improving the content, page titles, URL, and links of a website. SEOs are particularly efficient in knowing exactly how to grab the attention of internet users.
The content of a website is usually the information found on the website and how it is displayed. An example in which a search engine optimizer might improve the content of a website would be to change the wordiness or font. For example, a website that uses a lot of words without getting to the purpose of their website might be changed to a brief summary right in the middle of the page. As well, a website that uses a small font might want to increase the font size on words in the website that are most important.
Page titles on a website can be different directories within a website that could lead to other parts of a website. Most often page titles are bolded or appear at the top of the website page. Search engine optimizers could improve the page titles by making them more specific and guiding visitors to exactly where they need to go. For example, on department store websites, certain page titles would include shoes, shirts, pants, etc. followed by shoes for women, shoes for men, etc.
The URL of a website and placing the URL on other websites is also important for search engine optimization. For example, websites should use names that are as closely related to their service or product as possible. For example, a website that sells pens would not want to use a URL that includes the use of the word “shoes” or “boxes” in the title. Going forward, placing the URL on other websites will also help optimize the website because it gets people aware and curious if they constantly see a website they have never heard of on one of their frequently visited websites.
In conclusion, Search Engine Optimization is the most beneficial way to get a website known. Search engine optimizers may specialize in this field, but anyone can improve the popularity of their website. Content, page titles, URLs, and links are all important when optimizing a website. Overall, the main goal is to get people talking about and linking to your website.
If you'd like help optimizing your website give us a call. 902.429.8000