Creative Writing. The very thought of writing makes some people’s blood run cold. For others, it is a challenge and perhaps one that they simply don’t have the time for. And for others yet, writing is a source of joy. At Moss Media Solutions we love it.
Tell us the message you’re trying to convey and the audience you must reach. We’ll need to know whether the words you’re searching for will be spoken or published. With that information, we’ll get busy and craft your messages, making them come alive to persuade, inspire, motivate…
Editing. Words have to be manipulated for the time or space alloted. That is a fact. Paring them down without losing the intrinsic value of the overall piece takes a certain skill. We have it.
Proofing. Do it. And if your eyes are too tired or your brain can’t see the words because you’re too familiar with the messages, bring it to us. We’ll go over your piece thoroughly. When we think it’s perfect, we’ll read each word again. We have dictionaries and we’re not afraid to use them.
Letters, reports, speeches, brochures, newsletters, presentations and other information materials, scripts, advertising copy…bring us the project and let us find the words.