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Workshop Instructional Video and Downloads

This quick walk through is just the beginning.

I'll explain the entire process step by step in the live training and
there will be plenty of time to get all your questions answered.

Check your Download Folder after clicking the Tool Kit buttons to be sure you have everything.

This 'Sleep-Tastic' video was produced to demonstrate what you can do with the Quick Start 6 Step System. All images are from royalty free sources and the graphic layout was done using PowerPoint. The script is an extended version the basic video sales script you can download on this this page. I used my iPhone earbuds microphone and Screenflow to capture and edit this video.

Here's another example of a PowerPoint based video, produced with nothing more than PowerPoint, my iPhone earbuds microphone, Apple iMovie and the Quick Start 6 Step System. 

Why Video Marketing is no Longer an Option but a Necessity


  • Videos transform static traditional campaigns into action-driven presentations that convey your message in a powerful and dramatic way.

Media of Choice

  • Video is quickly becoming the preferred way to consume information on the internet.

Speed Up Sales

  • Because people often learn faster when they’re given visual instructions, video can assist in speeding up the sales process.

Enhanced Value

  • Video also helps to increase the value of your products or services, and even your brand.

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